Miraculous Healings !

Laura, 5 years old, Meningitis Cancer healed in one session !

A letter from her mother:

“In 2013 we were very miserable. Our 3 years old daughter was diagnosed with rarely seen, malignant brain tumour. Having our Laura in pain and suffering we had many heavy treatments lasted weeks. She was unable to walk and see. In order to decrease the pressure tumour has caused doctors intervene many times. Chemotherapy took 2 years. She lost weight and hair. She were feeding by gastric tube and vommiting every day. We were batting around hospitals and doctors. Having MRI scans and never ending waiting hours in hospital hallways… Her immune system was about to have immuneodeficieny.

I live in Belgium. When I was visiting my mother in France I met Paul de Combourg by coincedence. I’m a rational and scientific person. So I was quite nervous for meeting him but I would do whatever it takes for my Laura. After a while Laura had started to show signs of recovery. I’d realised that the healing path was opened up for me and for Laura. Up until now we have stayed in contact with Paul. He is like an angel who protects my Laura. The last august we visited Paul. We were full of emotions talking without words with our eyes.

Laura grew up. She can run and goes to school. She is 6 years old now and learned reading and writing. She wouldn’t be able to climb stairs today but she rides bicycle. She has an enormous vitality and she smiles all the time. She is attentive and has full of love. Of course she is still under medical control. We have a sun in our home and it’s not the sun of Belgium.

I don’t know Paul if you’re aware of this or not but you gave peace and trust in the days of suspicion to me. Rationality can’t always explain everything. The phases and sufferings I’ve been through changed me. I know there is no answer for all. But today I believe in everything in this healing path. I was never that close of any healing heretofore. I thank you Paul with all my heart for guiding us in this journey.


Other Letters :

1) 19 Cows

“In 2014, 19 cows were cured of tuberculosis in a single session.”

In fact, these cows have been through a lot.

2011- One cow was attacked by a bull.

2012- They were all infected with tuberculosis and were about to put down. The farmstead was going to be burnt out in order to inhibit the contagion.

After having these serials of unfortunate incidents, we ended up at Paul via an advice of a close friend. The herd should had been controlled each year throughout 10 years course because of the government policy. In 2014, the test results indicated that 15 cows, 3 quays and 1 bull were contaminated by tuberculosis. After Paul’s session, 45 days later, the tests results were negative.

We thank him a lot. Whenever we need, we consult him. Because he gave us hope.

Thank you.

Sincere regards…

Jean-Yves et Véronique


2) André – Parkinson Disease and Prostate Cancer

A letter from his wife in 2016… “André was hardly walking with a walking stick. After a single session he had started to walk without the baton , and his prostate cancer was healed.“

My husband is 76 years old. He has got retired in 1995 due to disability. He was diagnosed with Parkinson disease in 2006. He was having walking difficulties, and was not able to stand up long period of time. He was suffering from impatience and severe shiverings. Due to his contractions on the left leg, he was having walking difficulties. In 2013, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He had 36 radiotherapy and injections over the course of 6 months. In between 2013-2014, despite being on medication, there were progression of cancer.

We met Paul in 2015. We had started sessions right away at 15 days intervals. And we were able to see the healing process very clearly. The imbalance and the walking stick were gone. The contractions on leg were lowered and there were quite good progression of walking.

Since that day, André has been seeing Paul ever so often. He is healed both mentally and physically.


3) A Couple with Diabetes

“4th of July 2014”

Mr. Paul,

Regarding your visit to our house in 24th of January, I’m sending you our photos (Rousseau Georges – Rousseau Françoise). Georges says, within a 2 weeks a major ease took place in his arms and shoulders. He has more energy and freedom of action in his arms. This gave him moral support because he is a very active person. Even just for this reason he is grateful. In april 2014, his hemoglobin values were 7.9. We redo the tests every 3 months. In the beginning of the week he suffered from severe headaches but then it was gone, and he never had it again.

As for me, my hemoglobin values were 9.2 in April 2014. There is a major improvement in my eyes. I can see much better. I think my retina has reacted in a good way.

Mr.Paul, thank you a lot for the healing that you have given to us.

Françoise Rousseau


4) Isabella and her family

“Mobbing, depression, relationship problems… A single session for each…”

Mr.Paul, thank you for what you have done for me and for my family. The problems that my mother have with her neighbors, my daughters’ health issues, my brother-in-law’s suicidality, me and my husband’s problems… thank you for resolving them all.

Thank you for being here with us and for all of your helps.



5) Marie- 16 years old, Anorexia, 26th of September 2016

“A letter from Marie’s Mother”

I want to tell you what we have been through over the course of 12 months with this letter. Only parents who had the same situation with us can understand our desperation, seeing our child’s wasting away day by day.  The resistance that she had not to feed herself… This can kill you easily. We realized that when we were at casualty department. Her blood values, liver and health condition were a disaster. In this despair, I heard about Paul. I hardly trust people but from the very first meeting I felt something different, I realized his spiritual connection. He has never seen Marie. He did the sessions with her photo through me.  After the first session, at my very first visit to hospital, I saw a light on Marie’s face. Her intentness to battle was awaken (By the way Marie didn’t know anything about Paul). Then I visited Paul three times in 15 days intervals. Even nurses were surprised of her willingness to battle.

Nowadays she is going well. Slowly and in small quantities she started to eat. I inform Paul by e-mail each time I visit Marie. Each step Marie takes, Paul is with us…

Now she is on the healing journey. I know that Marie will be fully healed. It wouldn’t be enough how much I try to thank him.


6) Martine – 47 years old

“Her mother was at death’s door, insomnia, migraine, uterine cancer, back pains”

In April 2015, my mom was in the hospital. She was cancer and doctors were saying that there was nothing they could do. It was unendurable to see her in such pain. I asked Paul to relieve my mom’s pain, and help her to die with ease. In 19th of April, while me and my brother were next to her, she passed away after taking 3 breathes without showing any sign of pain.

It was a serious trauma for us. I started to have sleeping disorders and had got insomnia. Immediately I visited Paul, and that very night I was able to sleep without any nightmares.

My next visit to Paul was for my oncoming uterine surgery. I had a single session from him. And when I visited my doctor, he told me that I no longer need to undergo an operation. I was very happy. Endless thanks to you Paul.

My daughter’s dog was vomiting. While she was getting ready to go to a vet I called Paul to ask help. He did a session via photo. Our dog stopped vomiting and started to eat again.

Thanks a lot Paul.. I swear on my honor that all these things that I’m writing in this letter are true.

Thank you Paul.


7) Thibaut and Elia – 3 / 6 years old, Fear of Darkness, September, 2 Sessions

“Our children started to sleep in their own bed after the first session”

Thanks a lot Paul for giving peace to our children. The darkness that causing fear, crisis of crying to our children was dissolved after the very first session. Before your session, they were often waking up at nights. Thanks to you they can get rest, and have their energy and joy back. They started to enjoy life. We’re also able to have happier social and work life.

We, as Angéline, Antoine, Thibaut and Elia, thank you with all our hearts.

PS : Take care of yourself because people need you.


8) Yolande and his family

“Digestion disorders, stress, leptospirosis “

What can we say about Paul..? He is a good man, well-mannered. You get attached to him. He is a spiritual person who has a natural gift to heal.

I had problems with my immune system. Many examinations had been done but they had found nothing. I’d been told that the cause would be anxiety and stress. So, I decided to see Paul. I visited him 3 times. Even after first session my chest pain was revealed.

Another reason of visiting Paul was my brother-in-law’s hound dog. The newborn puppies were carrying viruses. Paul did session via their photos. The vet was quite surprised by the results.

There was another story about my son. He was appointed to Paris and had difficulties in finding a place to rent. I asked Paul to open up these channels and helping him with this situation. Eventually he was able to rent his place which had been strived by many people.

We are still in contact with Paul. We will always be grateful to him. There is no doubt in believing him, our faith is endless. He is an extraordinary man who has a natural gift. His life purpose is to heal people and animals.